Amiga F1GP PerfBase

The PerfBase is an online collection of AGPPerf perf files, which is where the name comes from (Perf DataBase). There are 80 perf files in total (the fastest 5 for each circuit) from participants in the Hall of Fame. These files can be downloaded, and you can then display them with GPDisplay.

Why would you want to make use of these perfs? The simple answer is that it'll help you become faster. The perfs for the top times in the HoF can be found in the PerfBase - you simply load these into GPDisplay, along with a perf containing one of your personal hotlaps. This allows you to compare in detail where you are losing time and, more importantly, why. It is a very good idea to make use of the PerfBase - after all, real F1 drivers do a similar thing with their telemetry data (although, they are usually limited to comparing their lap with their teammate :-)

If you have a fast perf file for a top time from the Hall of Fame and you want it to appear here, then simply follow the submission instructions.

USA (Phoenix)

Lap TimeDriverNotesDatestampDownload
1:13.317Alex Barnell 08/06/97usa_AX.lha
1:13.522Oliver Roberts 09/05/97usa_OR.lha
1:13.663René SmitTC Off08/11/95usa_RS.lha
1:13.762Grant Reeve 01/02/96usa_GX.lha
1:13.813Claudio Bacchelli 19/01/98usa_CB.lha

Brazil (Interlagos)

Lap TimeDriverNotesDatestampDownload
1:08.123Alex Barnell 29/12/97bra_AX.lha
1:08.129Oliver Roberts 09/11/97bra_OR.lha
1:08.207Christophe Macours 09/11/97bra_CM.lha
1:08.278René SmitTC Off21/05/96bra_RS.lha
1:08.282Claudio Bacchelli 14/12/97bra_CB.lha

San Marino (Imola)

Lap TimeDriverNotesDatestampDownload
1:15.057René SmitTC Off17/11/95imo_RS.lha
1:15.110Oliver Roberts 24/08/97imo_OR.lha
1:15.129Alex Barnell 07/06/97imo_AX.lha
1:15.619Claudio Bacchelli 10/01/98imo_CB.lha
1:15.726Alan Strang 22/11/97imo_AS.lha

Monaco (Monte Carlo)

Lap TimeDriverNotesDatestampDownload
1:11.032Oliver Roberts 10/05/97mon_OR.lha
1:11.195Alex Barnell 07/06/97mon_AX.lha
1:11.301Markus Kruggel 12/12/97mon_MX.lha
1:11.394René Smit 25/01/96mon_RS.lha
1:11.644Claudio BacchelliAuto Gears28/07/97mon_CB.lha

Canada (Montreal)

Lap TimeDriverNotesDatestampDownload
1:12.220Alex BarnellTC Off22/08/97can_AX.lha
1:12.240René SmitTC Off09/10/95can_RS.lha
1:12.615Oliver Roberts 13/12/96can_OR.lha
1:12.632Grant ReeveTC Off01/02/96can_GX.lha
1:12.679Alan Strang 30/12/97can_AS.lha

Mexico (Mexico City)

Lap TimeDriverNotesDatestampDownload
1:08.811Alex BarnellTC Off07/06/97mex_AX.lha
1:08.823René SmitTC Off07/10/95mex_RS.lha
1:08.981Oliver Roberts 18/12/96mex_OR.lha
1:09.041Christophe Macours 06/12/97mex_CM.lha
1:09.042Claudio Bacchelli 27/01/98mex_CB.lha

France (Magny Cours)

Lap TimeDriverNotesDatestampDownload
1:06.615Claudio Bacchelli 06/07/98fra_CB.lha
1:06.640Alex Barnell 07/06/97fra_AX.lha
1:06.707René SmitTC Off21/01/96fra_RS.lha
1:06.748Oliver Roberts 19/01/97fra_OR.lha
1:06.759Nuno Maltez 30/01/98fra_NF.lha

Great Britain (Silverstone)

Lap TimeDriverNotesDatestampDownload
1:14.819Claudio Bacchelli 15/01/98gbr_CB.lha
1:14.864Alex Barnell 28/07/97gbr_AX.lha
1:14.952Oliver Roberts 20/01/97gbr_OR.lha
1:14.968Alan Strang 02/02/98gbr_AS.lha
1:14.998Christophe Macours 07/12/97gbr_CM.lha

Germany (Hockenheim)

Lap TimeDriverNotesDatestampDownload
1:27.255Oliver Roberts 20/02/98ger_OR.lha
1:27.348Alex BarnellTC Off03/12/96ger_AX.lha
1:27.762René SmitTC Off21/05/96ger_RS.lha
1:27.788Markus Kruggel 19/02/98ger_MX.lha
1:27.927Claudio Bacchelli 23/02/98ger_CB.lha

Hungary (Hungaroring)

Lap TimeDriverNotesDatestampDownload
1:10.356Alex BarnellTC Off22/08/97hun_AX.lha
1:10.439René SmitTC Off06/03/96hun_RS.lha
1:10.924Claudio Bacchelli 12/07/98hun_CB.lha
1:10.947Alan Strang 02/03/98hun_AS.lha
1:10.967Oliver Roberts 22/01/97hun_OR.lha

Belgium (Spa-Francorchamps)

Lap TimeDriverNotesDatestampDownload
1:37.548Alex BarnellTC Off23/12/96bel_AX.lha
1:37.789René SmitTC Off20/03/96bel_RS.lha
1:38.158Claudio Bacchelli 11/01/98bel_CB.lha
1:38.280Oliver Roberts 17/04/98bel_OR.lha
1:38.345Markus Kruggel 05/04/98bel_MX.lha

Italy (Monza)

Lap TimeDriverNotesDatestampDownload
1:14.449Michal Janak 08/04/98ita_MJ.lha
1:14.536Claudio Bacchelli 08/02/98ita_CB.lha
1:14.554Alex Barnell 03/12/96ita_AX.lha
1:14.696Oliver Roberts 28/03/97ita_OR.lha
1:15.028René Smit 21/09/95ita_RS.lha

Portugal (Estoril)

Lap TimeDriverNotesDatestampDownload
1:07.092Alex Barnell 07/06/97por_AX.lha
1:07.131Oliver Roberts 12/04/97por_OR.lha
1:07.159René SmitTC Off24/09/95por_RS.lha
1:07.243Alan Strang 07/04/98por_AS.lha
1:07.281Claudio Bacchelli 16/01/98por_CB.lha

Spain (Barcelona)

Lap TimeDriverNotesDatestampDownload
1:11.568Alex BarnellTC Off25/12/96spa_AX.lha
1:11.645Claudio Bacchelli 11/05/98spa_CB.lha
1:11.796Michal Janak 02/05/98spa_MJ.lha
1:11.806René SmitTC Off14/09/95spa_RS.lha
1:11.924Oliver Roberts 29/04/97spa_OR.lha

Japan (Suzuka)

Lap TimeDriverNotesDatestampDownload
1:25.384Michal Janak 16/05/98jap_MJ.lha
1:25.570Alex Barnell 07/06/97jap_AX.lha
1:25.684René SmitTC Off12/01/96jap_RS.lha
1:25.914Oliver Roberts 15/04/97jap_OR.lha
1:25.978Grant Reeve 01/02/96jap_GX.lha

Australia (Adelaide)

Lap TimeDriverNotesDatestampDownload
1:06.589René SmitTC Off22/02/96aus_RS.lha
1:06.842Michal Janak 30/05/98aus_MJ.lha
1:06.896Oliver Roberts 10/05/97aus_OR.lha
1:06.930Alex BarnellTC Off07/06/97aus_AX.lha
1:07.198Grant Reeve 01/02/96aus_GX.lha
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